Student Handbook
- Student Recognition
- Graduation Requirements
- Academic Information
- Co-Curricular Activities
- Athletics
- General Office Information
- Dress Code
- Phone Policy
- General Student Information
- Order Transcripts
Student Recognition
Ygnacio Valley High School prides itself on acknowledging students in a variety of ways throughout the school year. Students may receive recognition in many ways, including the following:
Students of the Week / Student of the Month
The Student of the Week program offers recognition to outstanding students for improvement, achievement, citizenship, and other forms of excellence. The Students of the Week are displayed on the school marquee and on a bulletin board in the office. Parents are sent a good-news postcard.
Students are frequently recognized by their teachers for excellence in the YV Way: showing Responsibility, being Safe or making it safe for others, Having Integrity and showing Respect, and Building Community through kindness and positivity.
Golden Wolves (Seniors)
The Golden Student recognition is the longest-standing tradition at the school. In the fall, members of the faculty, members of the staff, and members of the junior class nominate seniors for this honor. Honorees are recognized throughout the year and, in May, staff vote for the Golden Student Recipients. These recipients are announced at the Goodbye Rally and then again at Graduation and are honored on a perpetual plaque kept up in the office. Awards are given for Scholarship (to the senior with the highest GPA), Leadership, Citizenship, and for the Overall Golden Wolf.
Winter Academic Recognition Festival / Spring Academic Excellence Field Trip
Students who receive a 3.5 GPA or a minimum of a .5 GPA increase (with a 2.0 minimum GPA) are invited to attend either or both of the Academic Recognition events:
The Winter Academic Festival celebrates students with food and fun for a designated period within the school day.
The Spring Academic Excellence Field Trip celebrates students by taking a trip off campus for a day.
Senior Awards
Students who meet the following requirements qualify for an Academic Letter.
Grade Point Average of 3.5 or better for recognition period (previous semester).
Courses used in determining students’ GPA will be all courses accepted for graduation requirements EXCEPT student aides, any alternate education class, or two classes with the same title.
Honors, AP, and IB classes will be weighted. (A = 5 points, etc.)
Students will receive a CERTIFICATE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT upon meeting the requirements for the first time.
Students will receive a CERTIFICATE OF COMMENDATION upon meeting the requirements for a second time. (Semesters need not be consecutive).
Students will receive an ACADEMIC LETTER upon meeting the requirements for the third time.
For the 4th, 5th and 6th semesters students will be awarded a star.
For the 7th semester of a 3.5 and above, students will be awarded a Lamp of Knowledge pin.
Awards will be given to students from each department recognizing academic excellence in a given area of study.
Principal’s List / Honor Roll
Students may qualify to be on the Principal’s List by achieving a 3.5 or above in a given semester. Any student achieving a GPA of 3.0–3.49 will be recognized as Honor Roll students.
Students are encouraged to apply for membership in California Scholarship Federation (CSF), the prestigious statewide honor society whose motto is “Scholarship for Service”. This is the only ‘club’ that is noted on your transcript. CSF membership also has a ‘service hours’ requirement. Students must apply for membership each semester. (A grade of a ‘D’ or an ‘F’ on a report card will disqualify a student for that semester.) Freshmen may apply for spring semester (Associate) membership using grades from the fall semester. Morning meetings will be held twice a month. Students who earn and maintain membership for a minimum of 4 semesters, starting the first semester of their sophomore-through-senior year (with 1 semester as a senior) are granted Life Membership. Life Members (“seal bearers”) receive special recognition on their diplomas and on their transcripts.
Graduation Requirements
The recommended program for graduation is 240 credits. To graduate from Ygnacio Valley High School, a student must earn a minimum of 220 credits. One subject taken every day for a semester and passed counts as five credits. Credit is not given if a student repeats a class they have previously completed. The following specific requirements must be included:
A maximum of 20 units may be allowed for Teacher Assistant (TA) credit over the course of three years. (Freshmen are not eligible to TA.) Seniors may apply for a five-period schedule through their Vice Principal or counselor after they have completed 160 credits at the end of their junior year. Applications are due by March 1st of their junior year. Students applying must have at least a 2.5 GPA.
To be considered on track for graduation, a student must accumulate 60 credits at the end of each academic year.
Students who are interested in the University of California minimum entrance requirements should make an appointment to meet with the College and Career Center in IC-5 as well as review the information in this planner under Transcript Bingo.
After the initial program adjustment period, which is usually from one to three weeks after the start of the semester, students who have properly enrolled in a semester or a year-long class must remain in that class for the entire enrollment period. The school has made a commitment to the student for that course and an equal commitment is expected from the student. Students may not drop a class because of failing grades. Guidelines for exceptions to this policy are as follows:
With parent and teacher approval, a student who is failing a course may withdraw from the course after the initial adjustment period with a semester grade of “F”. The student will not be able to replace the class and will lose five credits for the semester.
A student who has a serious discipline problem and/or on a behavior contract may be dropped with an “F” for the semester. The student will not be able to replace the class and will lose five credits for the semester.
Academic Information
HomeLink is a parent’s portal to view their student’s grades and attendance online. Parents must personally come to the Attendance Office with their identification to pick up their student’s account, password, and instructions on how to use the software. Please visit the school’s website for further information. Parents should view HomeLink regularly to ensure that verified absences have been cleared.
The MDUSD school board believes that homework is an important part of the learning process. It provides opportunities for the pupil to develop proficiency with skills, work and study habits, a sense of responsibility, and self-discipline.
Teachers should:
• Assure that assignments are reasonable, within the ability range of each student, and relevant to the course of study.
• Assure the objectives and materials to be covered have been fully explained.
• Provide students with feedback.
• Communicate to students the impact of homework on grades.
Students should:
• Listen carefully to teachers as homework is assigned, and record assignments in their student planners.
• Return homework assignments completed and on time.
Parents should:
• Provide appropriate time and place for study, which will include appropriate resource materials.
The YVHS staff believes that students should act in a responsible, honest manner and be aware of the consequences should they ignore these responsibilities (this includes student aides). Therefore, it is essential that due credit be given through footnotes and works cited for both ideas and quoted material taken from a source outside one’s self.
You are reminded that it is equally unacceptable to cheat by copying another student’s work, using cheat sheets, using a cellular or data device to obtain answers, giving other students answers to tests and assignments, or leaving the classroom with a test or quiz that is blank or partially completed, or engaging in any other activity which would invalidate the originality of a student’s work.
Consequences for violating the academic honesty policy could include receiving a failing grade or (0) on the assignment, student/parent/teacher conference, or referral to the applicable vice-principal or counselor.
Co-Curricular Activities
ASB Leadership
The Associated Student Body is composed of students from each grade level, elected and appointed, whose responsibility it is to represent their classmates and the Warrior community as a whole. The Leadership classes plan activities for the campus, recognition events, awareness days, blood drives, charity work, senior events, and more. The ASB oversees all clubs and student groups on campus, collects and monitors funds, and ensures the openness, acceptance and inclusion for all students on campus with activities and organizations. The YVHS Leadership program has been recognized at the state and National level for excellence since 2007. Ms. Stobing is the Director of Activities. ASB Leadership meets the A-G requirements for the UC system as a G Elective.
Link Crew
Link Crew is a year-long program that helps freshmen with the transition from middle school to high school. Link Leaders are trained to work with the incoming freshman class and other new students who are entering Ygnacio Valley High School in the fall. After a two-day extensive training, Link Leaders run freshman orientation activities during the first day of school. At the orientation, every Freshman will have the opportunity to work with a junior or senior Link Leader who will help new students become comfortable in their new environment and provide support during the first week of school with any challenges they may face. During the school year, the Link Crew partners with the CARES After School Program to organize a variety of social activities and events in order to get freshmen more involved in campus life. Ms. Huie and Ms. Loushin are the Link Crew Coordinators.
All students need to register online at .
Students may participate on a sports team by meeting the following requirements:
The Athletic Director’s Office has on file a current medical examination.
The health questionnaire has been completed and signed by the parent.
The student is not under activity suspension.
The student attends at least four periods of school daily.
The student has signed the athletic contract.
The student must maintain a 2.0 GPA. Students may apply for a one-time waiver (you may apply for this only waiver only one time in your academic career) if their GPA is below 2.0
The following teams play during the designated seasons:
Fall: Football, Cross-Country, Girls Volleyball, Girls Golf, Girls Tennis, and Cheer
Winter: Basketball, Wrestling, Soccer, Cheer and Stunt Team
Spring: Baseball, Softball, Boys Golf, Boys Tennis, Track, Boys Volleyball, and Lacrosse
Ygnacio Valley is a member of the Diablo Athletic League and competes against the following schools:
Acalanes High School, Alhambra High School, Berean Christian High School, Benicia High School, Campolindo High School, Clayton Valley Charter High School, College Park High School, Concord High School, Las Lomas High School, Miramonte High School, Mt. Diablo High School, and Northgate High School.
All student-athletes must adhere to a strict code of ethics to become a Ygnacio Valley High School Athlete. Any athlete who does not comply with the code of ethics will be dealt with according to MDUSD Board Policy (5131.6).
General Office Information
Attending classes and completing assignments are the most important contributing factors to success in school. Students are held accountable for their attendance and their assignments. Communicating the importance of attending classes and completing assignments is the responsibility of all adults working with students. Once students have arrived at school, they must remain on campus unless they have a legal permit to leave school or have a limited schedule. Students must secure permission to leave school through the school Attendance Office. A written or email request should be presented. When there is no written parent request, the school is required to get parent approval by phone. Absences resulting from leaving without permission cannot later be excused and will be recorded as a truant.
All absences will be cleared by telephone or email. Absences must be cleared within 72 hours or they will be marked truant. If you feel your student was incorrectly marked absent for a period(s), please have your student obtain a Clearance Slip from the Attendance Office. These absences will be resolved between the teacher and student. Please do not call to report the absence a mistake, as no action will be taken by the Attendance Office.
Only parents or legal guardians are authorized to verify absences. The law allows enrolled students who have reached the age of eighteen to verify absences. Eighteen-year-olds must have a parent permission form on file in the Attendance Office before they may excuse their own absences. The school reserves the right to require medical verification or direct parent contact in special cases.
Whenever possible, appointments should be made outside of school hours. It is important for students to be in school, even if it is a partial day. A student must have a permit to leave campus prior to leaving. Anyone who leaves campus without first obtaining a permit will be considered truant. Please contact attendance at least two hours in advance of the appointment and allow extra time to get the student if they are in a PE class. A photo ID will be required from the adult picking up the student. Please speak to the attendance secretary in person for same-day appointments.
Parents/Guardians coming to the campus to pick up their students or wishing to speak to their students must report to the Attendance Office Secretary.
A student is tardy when they are not in the classroom when the bell stops ringing. When a student is late to class, they will not be admitted to class without first obtaining a MINGA pass. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain a MINGA pass from the Attendance Office.
The administration will assign progressive penalties for tardiness. Those penalties include but are not limited to
30-minute after school detention
Campus clean-up
In School Suspension (ISS)
SART / SARB (as appropriate)
30-day activity suspension
Parents are required to contact the Attendance Office to report an absence. Parents/Legal Guardians may either call the school at (925) 685-8414 ext. 3605 or email to report student absences. The call or email must include the student’s name, grade, name of the person calling, and relationship to student, date/periods of absences(s), contact information of caller, as well as a reason for the absence. When absences are excused, students may make up work that was missed. Under state law and board policy, reasons for excusing a student absence will include:
1. Illness or injury of the student, or serious illness which necessitates the absence of the student.
2. Student attendance at a medical, dental, optometry, or chiropractic appointment.
3. Student attendance at the funeral service of an immediate family member.
4. Quarantine imposed by a city or county health official.
5. Student service on a jury.
6. Up to five days to obtain required immunizations.
7. Exclusion from school due to head lice, lack of immunization, or physical examination.
8. Appearance in court.
9. Observance of a holiday or ceremony of their religion.
10. Employment interview or conference.
For absences not having official school approval (such as vacation, personal business, oversleeping, etc.), the work may be made up at the discretion of the teacher. If a student has been suspended for disciplinary reasons, they may make up work at the discretion of the teacher.
Upon returning to school after an absence, a student should consult their teachers regarding work that they have missed. These assignments should be made up as soon as possible within the parameters set by the MDUSD School Board. Make-up work is the responsibility of the student. It is the parents’ responsibility to notify teachers of anticipated extended absences. Students must discuss make-up work with their teachers before an extended absence. If you are aware of an extended absence in advance, please contact their Academic Counselor to request an Independent Study contract. Three week’s notice is appreciated so teachers have time to gather and/or develop assignments. (This does not apply to students who are suspended.) Students who do not follow through with contract requirements may not be permitted to acquire an Independent Study Contract for the following year. Students with excessive absences may not be permitted to obtain Independent Study Contracts.
Treasurer’s Office
The Treasurer’s Office is located in the Main Office between the 400 and 300 wings. The Treasurer can assist with payments for various student/school activities, spirit wear and yearbooks, parking passes, lost books, etc. The Treasurer is available before school, during brunch, during lunch, and after school. Payments can be made in the form of cash, check (returned checks are subject to $20 fee), Visa/MasterCard and debit.
A parking permit is required for parking on campus and may be purchased from the Treasurer. Students park on campus at their own risk. YVHS or the MDUSD is not liable for any theft, vandalism or damages to cars parked on campus.
Registrar’s Office
The Registrar’s Office is located in the Main Office and can assist students with:
Grade Changes
Obtaining Weekly Progress Report forms
Obtaining transcripts. The first three transcripts are free. Subsequent transcripts are $5 each. In order to request a transcript, students must complete a transcript order form which can be found on the wall outside the Registrar’s Office. Transcript requests may take 2-3 days to fill.
Dress Code
Schools establish dress codes for two primary purposes. The first purpose is to maintain a productive, orderly learning environment. The second purpose is to maintain a safe school. Most students understand, accept, and support the dress code provisions related to safety, such as the need to wear shoes or sandals, and bans on gang-related apparel or spiked wristbands.
Where things get trickier and there is less likely to be agreement between teenagers and adults (staff and parents) is in the school’s role in regulating attire to maintain a productive, orderly learning environment, and what the standard of dress should be. The differences are usually related to varying views on the level of modesty appropriate at school. Culture, because of its influence on dress, also contributes to people’s beliefs about appropriate modesty. Intelligent, reasonable people will disagree about this issue.
These differences of opinion are most evident when we are deciding exactly where to draw the line in terms of what parts of the body can show and what needs to be covered. In order to enforce the dress code fairly, we need clarity about what is allowed and what is prohibited. Administrators are charged with interpreting the dress code, and their judgment calls and decisions shall be final.
1. Dress that presents a health or safety hazard or a distraction which would interfere with the education process is prohibited.
2. Dress which is disruptive and contrary to school rules regarding drugs/alcohol/violence is not permitted.
3. Shoes must be worn at all times. Sandals and flip-flops without heel straps are permitted. UGG-type footwear that has an outdoor sole is permitted. Slippers are not allowed unless they have outdoor soles to protect feet. The shoe requirement is that the student’s feet be protected against broken glass, screws, and other potentially harmful debris. Note that walking surfaces are uneven in places, and very high heels may pose a safety hazard.
4. Clothing, jewelry and personal items (backpacks, binders, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles etc.) shall be free of writing, pictures or any other insignia which are crude, obscene, vulgar, profane or sexually suggestive, which bear drug, alcohol or tobacco advertising, promotions and likenesses, or which advocate racial, ethnic or religious prejudice, or which show weapons or convey threats.
5. Clothing or accessories that indicate gang affiliation and related clothing is not permitted. Because gang clothing and symbols change, the administration will work with the Concord Police Department to update our gang clothing information each year. Solid red or blue T-shirts, belts in red or blue, and hats in gang-related styles are not permitted. Backpacks, binders, and other school materials with gang tags are not permitted. Students may not wear gang-related belt buckles, bandanas, jerseys, shoes, or shoelaces, fly colors, or display gang symbols in any other way.
7. Some classes may impose additional restrictions for particular activities, in that class only, due to specific safety requirements (tying hair back and rolling up draping sleeves when using Bunsen burners, etc.). PE may impose additional requirements related to the physical activity in the class.
Reference: Board Policy 5132 and Administrative Regulation 5132 Dress and Grooming
Phone Policy
General Student Information
College and Career Center
The Career and College Center is located in the IC building and it is available for use by all students. Many resource materials are available to help students plan their careers. Some students may feel that they don’t even know where to start. A counselor is in the Career Center to help students locate materials and determine which job areas would be appropriate for further exploration. Watch CCC announcements for career and college speakers, scholarship opportunities, career days and more.
School Deliveries
Parents/Guardians wanting to deliver school-related items to their students may drop them off at the Attendance Office. Please label the item with the student’s name before bringing it to the Office. The student will be paged at brunch, lunch or passing time to pick up the item. Delivery of cash is not recommended; the school cannot be held responsible for lost cash. Deliveries of food from outside sources (mobile delivery), flowers and/or balloons are not permitted at any time.
First Aid
First Aid is available in the Nurse’s office. No over-the-counter medication may be dispensed to students. Administration of medication to students by school staff may be done only in EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES for chronic, ongoing health conditions. The school does have a full time nurse; if the time schedule of the dosage is flexible, parents should make arrangements to provide the medication to their student outside the school day. If medication must be dispensed during school hours, the parent/guardian and the student’s physician must complete an “Authorization to Administer Medication During School Hours” form; the form is available in the Nurse’s Office.
Personal health and accident insurance packets are available during the first few weeks of school to YVHS students at a minimal charge.
Hall lockers and locks are available free to all students. Freshmen will be assigned lockers at the beginning of the school year. Any lost locks will result in a $7 replacement fee. Students can get a hall locker during walk-through or anytime at the Main Office. Report locker difficulties to the Treasurer’s Office. New lockers will not be reassigned unless the problem or damage is irreparable. Free locks and lockers for PE are also available and distributed through the PE classes.
YV Pride Store
The YV Pride Store is located in the 600 wing. Students can buy school YVHS clothing: class shirts, long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, etc.) during brunch and lunch. Students may redeem HERO points for school pride items such as: lanyards, pens, backpacks, umbrellas, phone chargers, water bottles, free yearbooks, free prom tickets, movie tickets and more. Be sure to redeem your HERO points in a timely manner as there is a limited quantity of our most highly sought-after items.
Students will be issued textbooks at walk-through and registration. Registration priority, extracurricular events and diploma will be withheld if textbook charges are not paid in full. If a student loses their textbook, a new book will not be issued until replacement cost for the book has been paid. Charges for texts are to be paid to the Treasurer.
PE Clothes
Students are required to make a complete change of their school clothes into appropriate clothing for physical activity. Students should mark their names on their uniforms. All 9th grade students will either be provided with loaner uniforms for the year or given the opportunity to buy their own uniforms. These must be worn every day for PE.
Work Experience
Students who meet certain requirements may qualify for Work Experience Education. For every 40 hours of work, the student will earn one credit. You can earn up to ten credits per semester for a total of 40 credits in high school. Students are responsible for turning in weekly work records. See the Work Experience Coordinator for more information.
Work Permits
The California Education Code requires that all students under the age of 18 who are working have a work permit. Work permits may be denied to students with failing grades, poor attendance, or who are not on graduation track. Work permit applications are available in the Main Office. Turn the completed form back into the Vice Principal’s office.